Edward's Edit

  • Floral Follies

    Fondness for Flowers

    Fondness for Flowers

    For Edward, flowers are so much more than just beautiful decoration only to be admired – he sees these natural beauties as embodiments of the most intangibly important parts of life: memory, love, joy, passion, and purpose.

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  • Skin Chronicles

    Beauty Rest

    Beauty Rest

    A good night’s rest holds high value anywhere in the world just as any rare commodity can command. Artwork and real estate become increasingly appreciated with maturity, and so too does a solid eight hours of sleep as time marches on.

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  • Skin Chronicles

    Train for Success

    Train for Success

    Pilates, spin class, yoga, weights and squats: training for results is more than just a walk in the park. With all the attention we lavish on glorifying our glutes, what about conditioning our complexion to look its best without the extra effort of breaking a sweat?

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  • Skin Chronicles

    Secrets For Stellar Skin

    Secrets For Stellar Skin

    The search for superb skin has never been simple, but alas, no great conquest comes without a fair share of struggle along the way. Smooth baby skin gives way to blemishes of angst and later lines live where years of smiles have always been.

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  • Makeup Musings

    Build Your Lip Wardrobe

    Build Your Lip Wardrobe

    There’s an intimate bond shared between a woman and her lipstick of choice, but choosing the perfect hue suited for you is simply no easy feat. Why must one commit to a signature hue with so many inviting colors to kiss?

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